Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Progress.....what progress?

Do I regret not doing the Blackmores Half Marathon this year? Sure! But I didn't want to enter it half-arsed and then be disappointed with my time. It was a struggle to complete the 9km run, I made the right decision.

I go through phases when I immerse myself into fitness and it correlates with what is going on in my life. In times of stress I turn to what makes me feel better, exercise! But it has also become more than that. Exercise is a lifestyle. It's beneficial in good and bad times....but I admit, in good times exercise is one thing that is neglected. Life happens! It's balancing it all that is the key.

My mind is constantly on exercise because once you stop, it's amazing how quickly you feel unfit! And knowing what it feels like to start from the beginning again, not looking forward to it. I was supposed to hit the gym at 530am this morning but instead sleep won the battle. Last night, work won! There just isn't enough time in the day, it seems.

This Saturday I will make the time, no excuses!!! Paddle boarding will be a great core workout and snorkeling I'm sure has fitness benefits. If not it will be fun at least.

Footy season is back, have the Rebel Run 4 Fun and the SMC road race series has begun. No more excuses, time to see some much needed progress or else I will always be a wannabe marathon runner!!