Friday, February 17, 2023

The Year of Me.............continues 2023 edition


How do you know when you've healed? I feel like this healing journey is never ending. You conquer something and then you are thrown another challenge that tests you. 

I wish I could have a superpower that can fix everything about me. 

But at the same time, my quirks and everything about me is what makes me.........ME!

Not that there's anything wrong with me perse but there are things about myself I want to improve and be the best version of myself. 

I am happier than I was compared to last year but then I still have my moments of sadness. Which is normal and I'm not going to judge myself. 

I know what I want but I am going to be patient that what is meant for me will come in time. 

Patience.......I have discovered I don't really have much of. But I need to practice patience. I can't rush what is meant for me. I have to trust that I will be ready for what I have asked the universe for.