Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Minimalist journey update..........

I'm no closer to getting to my ideal minimalist life but I think I am making progress.

As I mentioned previously, the clutter at home is not mine but my partners. For some reason he finds it hard to let go of things. Things he hasn't used in years but just sits there because it would be a waste to throw it out. I do not get that logic.

I have noticed there are certain mindsets that I am gradually changing, particularly about shopping. I find that I don't really buy as much as I used to for the sake of buying or because it's cheap or on special. My mantra now is - just because it's cheap or on special doesn't make it a bargain. Unless you need a certain item then you are wasting your money.

I look at my wardrobe and whilst not there yet, I've made immense progress. There are probably still things I can let go of and I do occasionally do get rid of things slowly.

My next challenge is getting rid of baby clothes, toys and anything baby related that is no longer being used since I am done having children.

My daughter has for some reason inherited her father's hoarding trait. I need to undo this.

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