Thursday, December 5, 2019

2020 Running Goals and beyond

Every year I write out a list of half marathons and potential marathons I want to achieve.

The past few years I list the same goals but somehow I haven't been able to achieve them. I have the best intentions so this year I am changing tact.

I have created a running challenge with a group of co-workers but so far none has signed up for the challenge. But all good. I will do it anyway. The challenge is to run as much as you can in the year. It's a rolling monthly challenge.

That is my only goal for next year, to get one foot in front of the other.

And once I achieve that, I can think about doing the number of races in my bucket list.

This year is about manifesting. I'm not a religious person but I believe in spirituality. Manifesting is when our thoughts materialise in the real world.

I love this quote 'What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.'

I may not be listing my running goals but fear not, I am still working on achieving it. I am not giving up. I believe I have it in me to do this and I will.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Blog vs Facebook vs Instagram

I create headings of the things I want to write about, ideas on what to write about.

Blog vs Facebook - this was something I wanted to write about back in 2012. I never got around to it. Always seems to be the case. I do enjoy writing but I don't commit to it. It is now Dec 2019 and felt the urge to write again. I created 4 new headings and saved it for when I am ready to write about them. I noticed I had 13 drafts and discovered this one. I started with the sentence below and got as far as that.

Am I just substituting one addiction with another???

Facebook was created in 2004. I joined in 2007. So in 2012, I had been using it for 5 years. It's now 2019 and holy shit, I've had FB for 12 years. I don't know what to think about that.

I am a prolific FB poster. I used to update people about my fitness workouts...coz if you didn't post it, did it really happen? Jokes. At the time I was working towards running my first half marathon, I was really proud of my achievements and I wanted to share it. I mean, heck I had no idea I would be able to run long distances and yet there I was training for it. I have always been conscious about what I post. I'm sure there were people I annoyed with my posts but I think it was at an acceptable level. It inspired a few of my friends/workmates to run. But I don't run as much since my half marathon in 2012. I miss running but I've been riddled with injuries and so much harder to go out running now with a child. I will get back out there eventually but I will share my running updates in my running specific instagram. I don't share so much of my workouts on my personal FB page, because I don't want to be that annoying person who shares EVERY frigging workout. There is such a thing as oversharing and thankfully I think I have the balance to keep people engaged. Some sort of self awareness, which people seem to lack these days.

I say I am a prolific FB poster but one thing I don't really broadcast is my personal life. I share just mostly about myself and my daughter. My relationship is off limits. I don't need to be broadcasting that to anyone and besides, the person I'm with detests social media and does not have any social media accounts. We are polar opposites - I'm an extrovert he's sorta an introvert.

Facebook gives others the illusion they know about your life. People know about what you post and there are some who overshare. An example, someone who posted loved up post about her thing you know she left him because it turns out he was an asshole in real life. I assumed they had the perfect life and was in shock when I heard of their split. Only after did I find out the truth. And even she can't answer why she posted what she did. But it was a lesson she learned.

I'm rambling but to get back to the which I've added - vs Instagram.

There is much more social media platforms out there. I've tried some of them.

Blogging, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat to name a few.

I've got accounts for all above but I hardly ever use Twitter or Snapchat.

Snapchat initially I was hesitant to try because that was the app where you send nudes or naughty pics to someone and they disappear after 24hrs. But this changed after a while. I was on maternity leave in 2015 and I downloaded Snapchat. The filters on photos was what drew me to it. I love taking photos (I have over 22k of photos saved on flickr). Snapchat was a way to entertain myself because no one tells you how boring and isolating being at home with a child who doesn't talk back to you. I stopped using snapchat when instagram copied snapchat and added stories. I still have my snapchat account but only check it every now and then to see if they have a better filter than instagram.

Twitter - I never really use. Just keep the account to check on things that go viral and particularly if there's something I watch and want to see everyone else's opinion. You can find some funny twitter posts. It's just not my medium.

Facebook was my first introduction to social media.........wait no that's a lie, Myspace was but I was never really good at using it. I don't even know why I had Myspace. But in any case, FB was the one that really got me hooked. I remember my first post was something along the lines of - I don't know what I'm doing but here I am!' I have about 643 on my friend list. Do I know all these people? Mostly. There are maybe about a dozen or so i've never met in real life but either met on FB from some common group we are a part of. I'm not under any illusion that the 643 people on my friend list are my real friends. You'd have to be crazy to think that. I have a handful of really close friends and friends and work friends that I see on a regular basis. These handful of people are people I communicate with outside the realm of social media. Mostly the 643 on my friend list which are not close friends are acquaintances, people I've worked with, people I used to work with.

I don't know about everybody else, as I mentioned I'm an extrovert and I do keep up with a lot of people in general. I just love being around people and I'm that person who's always up for a catchup. I've moved so many jobs and each time I leave a job, I never leave a job completely because I always end up making friends at each workplace. It was hard when my daughter was younger, I was a bit housebound. I kept a strict sleeping schedule for her which now makes her a good sleeper so it was hard to go out plus she was also breastfed for the 1st year of her life. Consequently means, I didn't really have a life in her first year. Not that I'm complaining but now it's good to have a semblance of a life outside of my child.

Having that many people on my FB friend list, made me evaluate how I wanted to run my Instagram account. Instagram is a different platform to FB, because it's all about photos. Photos to me are more personal and I didn't necessarily want to share that with everyone.

I have less than 300 following me on instagram. I can probably cull some more people from that list and I will do when I get a chance. I just figured I share a lot more in instagram, more personal stuff that I don't want everyone to see. There are some requests I've decline because there are people I don't want to see my photos.

I also have multiple instagram accounts for different interests. Just makes it cleaner so your feed is not clogged up with things you might occasionally want to see. My main instagram is private, the others ie my running & fitness, balloon twisting and dog instagram accounts are public.

Which then brings me to this blog. It's safe to say I'm fairly anonymous on this blog. No one reads my post and I'm ok with that. It's like my digital diary on the world wide web. I don't broadcast this blog to anyone. My sister knows because she used to have a blog in her teens but she doesn't do any sort of blogging these days and she's probably forgotten about it.

I just love writing. I'm not particularly good at it but I find it cathartic. I've kept journals on and off over the years and I love reading back on what I've written. Takes me back to that day and what I may have been feeling or what I was going through, either good or bad. Writing in a journal, you don't have an audience. There are no rules and you can do whatever you want. In saying that, I also get paranoid about my journals because what if someone finds them and reads them? It feels like an invasion of my private thoughts. So that's why some of my old journals, I read one final time and destroyed. I destroyed my old journals in 2012 or 2013. Then in 2015 I welcomed my rainbow child and there was no time for journals.

I don't put any pressure on myself to write in a journal. It's just whenever the mood takes me. Writing in a journal is a release for me. It helps me with my mental health. It makes me feel better when i commit to paper what I am going through and then I let it go.

So at the beginning of 2019 it was my New Years resolutions to start journaling again - I stuck to this resolution up until March 2019 until i started again in September 2019. It was because I started journaling again I remembered my blog and wrote a blog post in October 2019.

Most blogs usually stick to a certain topic. I had no specific topic I wanted to discuss so this blog is of musings of whatever I feel like talking about. Whether anyone reads it, I'm not bothered. This blog is for me.

Love this! Self explanatory really