Saturday, July 18, 2009 travel destination?

I so wish I was going with one of my friends to Petra, Jordan. I will get there some day.

Thursday, July 9, 2009 go or not to go, that is the question

The choice would be so easy to make if I had no commitments to tie me here in Oz....

How could I say no to this? Canada suits me to a tee.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Vargas and Ebora's visit Oz

Childhood friends Antonia and Carlo (and their partners) have finally come to visit us.....friends forever!! Love you guys!!

The bride & groom

I have neglected this blog of late but hopefully will be able to maintain it when I'm on holidays.

The wedding day went far too quickly but a great day was had by all.

Friday, March 13, 2009

One more sleep........

till one of my closest friends wedding.

Tomorrow will be a day filled with such joy.....

I am not normally emotional but at the rehearsal I was already teary. I know with certainty that I will be crying at the ceremony. I will look at the two of them and will bawl my eyes out, they are so sweet together.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm NOT a celebrity.......but please get me out of here!!!

I'm SO over work.

Time for another change me thinks!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mother of all blisters

This will teach me from heating things up for too long in the microwave!!!!!

I was asked to post this on my facebook but I think I'd rather post it here where I'm a little more anonymous.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My new toy

I'm in love...............

The object of my affection - Olympus Stylus 1030SW.

I cannot wait for our first underwater date. It's a relationship full of potential.

Apologies for the blurry pic. Taken with my camera phone.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day

Whilst the rest of Australia were celebrating the landing of the First Fleet in 1788 with bbq's with family and friends, eating, drinking, chillaxing or in typical Aussie style hitting the beach. My Australia Day was spent commiserating over my clumsy injury involving hot wax.

This is what happens when you overheat wax in the microwave. The price we pay for VANITY!

It's more painful than it looks. The pic below was taken just before the doctor treated it. The blisters were just beginning to form.

All bandaged up and got me some STRONG pain killers to help with the pain. Cried like a baby and was feeling sorry for myself...crying more for missing out on a day at the beach with my new Olympus Stylus 1030SW underwater camera. I'm such a clumsy clutz!!!

Happy Australia Day!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Plane Lands Hudson River, NY

This piece of news kept me enthralled today. I bet the passengers were counting their lucky stars they got a very competent pilot flying that day. Captain Sullenberger's skill avoided what would have been a devastating tragedy.

The passengers look as if walking on water.

This ship is sinking....oops no it's a plane :-P

Picture from

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I don't ask for much for christmas but perhaps I should have taken the time out to write to Santa to deliver me a dose of motivation. A strong dose. 

Could it be because I have no overseas trips planned this year? I have grown accustomed to planning (i say that loosely) and counting down to the inevitable day you fly out. Now there is nothing for me to look forward to. The countdown to the new year has passed and now there is nothing to count down to for the rest of they year. I am bereft of the opportunity of experiencing another culture this year.

The only countdown that I look forward to is my close friend Monica's wedding and another friend's wedding. Although after their weddings I'll be depressed for they go on their honeymoon overseas whilst I invariably go back to the daily grind. The downside to this countdown is trying to fit into a bridesmaid dress. Fitting is at the end of this month. My motivation needs to kick in and go into overdrive ASAP. 

New year, new skilled learned

Not so hard afterall (blog - skilled learned)......only issue is how often will I maintain it?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not quite so tech savvy.....or should I say blog virgin until now

I'm feeling a little lost, I don't exactly know what I'm doing. At times like these I don't feel quite so tech savvy and feeling part of an old-er generation who are not quite as fast at mastering technology. But I'm sure over time I will get the gist of this blogging business.

Gotta admit though, for my first blog post it's pretty shocking LOL!