Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Minimalism during COVID

My minimalist journey is ongoing. I joined a minimalism group on Facebook. I usually just lurk and read a lot of people's posts, questions and success story to get ideas. I was going to share what I'm going through in the group but was not comfortable in posting it. I opted to share it in this blog instead. No one reads this blog but I'm ok with that. I may be prepared to write down what I'm going through but not quite there yet with sharing pictures of my decluttering journey. 

I am nowhere near my minimalist goal. I look around my house and there is still so much stuff. Mind you a lot of it is not mine (I always say this...I read my past minimalist blog posts. It still holds true). I live with a hoarder so trying to be a minimalist is difficult. I'm hoping that soon I will be free of the hoarder. I dream of what my life would be like with a home created of my own choosing. 

What I haven found in my ongoing minimalist journey is a change in mindset (and again I've said that before). Now I find myself thinking about my purchases. I ask myself 'do I really need this?' before I buy something. Or look at an existing item at home and ask 'do I still need this?' Usually it's a no and it goes in the garbage bin or given to charity. 

I used to love sales and feeling a sense of achievement when I bought something at a bargain. Now I don't even jump at the thought of a sale unless I really need something, otherwise it's of no use to me. 

I went shopping a few weeks ago (for something other than groceries) and I wrote down a list of things I needed. I was so pleased that I only bought the things I listed. I was going to splurge on a dress but I tried it on and it just didn't fit right, so I didn't buy it. I wasn't sad and actually relieved it didn't fit because it made it easier to for me to walk away from it. I find it so freeing. My ultimate goal is to have a capsule wardrobe...someday. 

I mean does anyone ever notice the clothes that we do wear in our daily life? I find I wear the same things all the time so that is why I am thinking of a capsule wardrobe. Specially when I am on holidays, I used to pack a lot of clothes but then when I look back at photos I find myself wearing the same outfit...usually the favourites. 

With Covid-19 and forced to work from home, looking at my cluttered home causes me so much anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. I mean how do you start? I knew I couldn't do it all in one go so I started decluttering one day at a time. Now, the night before garbage night I look around my home and pick up things to bin! My one day at a time goal. 

Last weekend, I tackled the space under the stairs. In the 15 years I've lived inn my house, it has become a dumping ground for 'STUFF' and I didn't even really know what was in there. I took everything out and put in a 5 tier shelving unit which utilises space much better under the stairs. 

Previously, things were just dumped on top of eachother and made it difficult to look for things. With the shelves, it meant I could also put away the 'STUFF' that was dumped in the dining room. The dining room is currently used as a dumping ground. We don't own a dining table. We eat in front of the tv mostly, a habit we should break frankly. I'm thinking once I've cleared the space, I'm going to invest in a dining table so the room is used for it's actual purpose. 

With all the new space discovered under the stairs, I realised I could also fit a 10 tier shoe rack to keep shoes hidden and away from view...at least my shoes anyway. Wit the hoarder in the house, he has also accumulated a lot of shoes. I used to own a lot of shoes but I've found I use the same shoes all the time and don't really need that many. I am learning that I can live with less. When I do buy shoes, it's because one has worn out and am in need of a replacement. 

After clearing out and tidying up the space under the stairs, it motivated me to maintain a cleaner house. The feeling of having a tidy, clean home really does wonders to one's mental health. Each night, I would pick any mess that needed to be cleared and tidy up. It inspired me for my next project...tackle the kitchen and unused items. 

I went so far as to buy new storage canisters to organise and sort. 

Did I get around to doing it? NO.

I have my moments where I am given this bursst of motivation to organise & declutter. It started with my daughter's bedroom and getting rid of 'STUFF' that she had outgrown and make her space current and relevant to her needs. 

It spawned the motivation to cleaning under the stairs. I expect my minimalist journey will happen over time. This will be a lifelong journey that I know as the years progress will hopefully get easier. I am kind to myself and just go at the pace that I am comfortable with. 

Who knows waht my next update will be like? 

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